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Free Canine Arthritis Guide

A comprehensive guide on how to best look after your best friend in their senior years.

Rhys Donovan, Animal Osteopath

Hi, I’m Rhys, an osteopath with 15 years of experience, and the Co-Founder of Animal Rehab Klinik. 

Since opening the Animal Rehab Klinik in 2018, it became apparent how many dogs struggle with arthritis in their senior years. Even more surprising was how little information there was readily available about what else owners could do to complement their traditional veterinary care. This was in stark contrast to the wealth of information that’s available to humans. 

I believe that so much more can be done to educate dog owners on the simple strategies they can implement to give their dog their quality of life back.

That’s why I wrote this book.

What you’ll find inside is 100 pages of my best practical information on how you can improve your dog’s quality of life as they manage their arthritis.


What You'll Learn...And More

About our partners

VetzPetz are the company behind Antinol, one of the country’s leading supplements for dogs joints, skin & coat.

They’ve helped us bring our vision for this arthritis guide for dogs to life.

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Learn how to massage & Stretch Your Dog at Home

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